Professional Development:

Serving in culturally and linguistically diverse student communities requires an understanding of language acquisition and dual language education research. Teachers and leaders that provide support in varied educational contexts, but specifically in dual language, rely on pedagogical tools that better allow them to serve these students in the classroom. Through the use of the highly regarded Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education: 3rd Edition, clients of Dr. José: Medina Educational Solutions will be able to engage in easily-implemented interactive activities, while supporting the primary professional development goals of dual language education via a critical consciousness lens.

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C6 Biliteracy Instructional Framework: Lesson Planning via a

Critical Consciousness Lens

The C6 Biliteracy Instructional Framework was designed to specifically align with the research recommendations found in the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education: Third Edition. The lesson planning framework provides an opportunity for teachers to create lessons that dismantle systems of oppression, while also allowing emergent bilingual and multilingual students to access grade level standards regardless of language proficiency. During the twelve hour workshop with Dr. Jose Medina: Educational Solutions, conducted in-person or remotely, participants will be engaged in the lesson planning process to meet the needs of the culturally and linguistically diverse students they serve.

La clase dual:

Instrucción en español

The Dual Language Classroom: Instruction in Spanish

Dual language educators who facilitate instruction in Spanish must be adept at helping students to make cross-linguistic connections between English and Spanish, as a means to strengthen fluency in both languages. This professional development session, conducted entirely in Spanish, will allow participants to better understand the linguistic features of the language that directly impacts both literacy and content instruction. This interactive workshop, facilitated in-person or virtually, will enable teachers to better serve students in a Spanish/English dual language program.

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The Dual Language Classroom and/or Administrator: Essentials

This session, available in-person or remote fashion, is available via a teacher or administrator lens.  The workshop is designed to provide teachers and/ or administrators a foundational understanding of the seven dual language strands described in the Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education: Third Edition. Participants will engage with biliteracy research, via interactive activities, that will allow them to better serve emergent bilingual and multilingual students. All activities in the professional development session will align to the three goals of dual language education:

  • Bilingualism & biliteracy
  • High academic achievement in both program languages
  • Sociocultural competence

The Dual Language Administrator: Advanced

The Advanced Dual Language Leadership professional development course builds upon what is established in the essentials workshop. Participants will learn to identify areas of strength, as well as areas for program growth and continued program implementation. Through the use of in-depth reflection, using the rubrics in Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education: Third Edition, this tailored workshop allows participants to fully focus on meeting the specific needs of the communities they serve.

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The Dual Language Advocate:

A Journey Towards

Sociocultural Competence

Dual language educators and leaders must actively advocate for dual language programs. An integral component of this advocacy work includes ensuring that all stakeholders engage in conversations about bias, privilege, discrimination, and systems of oppression. Ultimately, the goal is to create educational environments where all students, families, educators, and community members are valued and respected.

The Keynote Address

The Keynote Address  is specifically designed, in collaboration with district and/or school leadership, to address the community's needs. The topics covered can include, but are not limited to: 

  • Serving emergent bilingual and multilingual students
  • Differentiation in dual language programs
  • Sociocultural competence
  • Critical consciousness
  • Serving special populations
  • Parent involvement
  • Biliteracy instructional practices
  • The three goals of dual language education
  • Anti-bias/anti-racism educational practices
  • Testimonio Framework

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